Hair Club News » bowel cancer

Will you require a wig during chemotherapy?

Dolores is the owner of the Hair Club in Dublin which was Ireland's first purpose built wigs studio. Over the course of the last twenty years Dolores has met and assisted hundreds of amazing woman from across Ireland that have been recently diagnosed with cancer that may require advice on a hair piece or wig during their treatment. 

Recently, Dolores herself was diagnosed with cancer and she decided from the outset that she would like to document her experience of going through chemotherapy, hospital visits and overall progress of how she was dealing emotionally during this difficult phase in her life. With Dolores's particular diagnoses which is bowel cancer, she was informed by the oncologist doctors at St James Hospital in Dublin that she would not lose her hair due to the specific type of chemotherapy treatment she is undergoing. From our experience many clients with Breast cancer will temporarily lose their hair during chemo.   

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PRSI Hair Grant - Wigs Dublin

The Irish government has introduced a €500 per year PRSI hair grant. As the Hair Club in Dublin are registered agents we will organise all the paperwork. Minister Humphreys said:

“This new grant is being introduced in recognition of both the physical and psychological impact that sudden hair loss can have on someone’s life.This initiative, provided for in Budget 2022, is about supporting people who suffer from forms of alopecia or cancer.“The grant of up to €500 will assist in the purchase of a wig or hairpiece, for people who suffer the trauma of hair loss" 

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What is chemotherapy like ?

This is Dolores's second video were she discusses her journey to date since her cancer diagnoses. The Hair Club founder also chats about how her chemotherapy hospital treatment is going at St James and the progress she is making.     Read more

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